
This check will always report a problem for every matching rule.



report {
  comment  = "..."
  severity = "bug|warning|info"
  • comment - set a custom comment that will be added to reported problems.
  • severity - set custom severity for reported issues.

How to enable it

This check is not enabled by default as it requires explicit configuration to work. To enable it add one or more rule {...} blocks that matches some rules and then add a report block there.

Example where we block all recording rule:

rule {
  match {
    kind = "recording"

  report {
    comment  = "You cannot add any recording rules to this Prometheus server."
    severity = "bug"

How to disable it

You can disable this check globally by adding this config block:

checks {
  disabled = ["rule/report"]

You can also disable it for all rules inside given file by adding a comment anywhere in that file. Example:

# pint file/disable rule/report

Or you can disable it per rule by adding a comment to it. Example:

# pint disable rule/report

How to snooze it

You can disable this check until given time by adding a comment to it. Example:

# pint snooze $TIMESTAMP rule/report

Where $TIMESTAMP is either use RFC3339 formatted or YYYY-MM-DD. Adding this comment will disable rule/report until $TIMESTAMP, after that check will be re-enabled.